Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Juice Fast Day 4 + Honey during Juice Fast

I slept for 10 hours again! And I still feel a little sleepy and tired. This has been going on for about a month already, so it can't be just the juice fast. Hopefully this will go away and I can wake up earlier again.

My weight today is 135.2 so I am down .6 pounds overall but up 2.2 pounds from yesterday. This doesn't really mean anything as I just started so we will see what happens.

Yesterday was pretty easy again. I had 4 juices and honey with tea in between. People's ideas of what juice fasting should be differs but I think you should do it the way it feels right to you unless you have a medical problem (like you can't have any fruits). I have honey even though it is plain sugar because that is what makes my juice fast super easy. The honey has crystallized and I can chew it as a dessert and it is pretty filling and warming with tea. The honey is what makes me feel like I can keep doing this fast for a long time whereas without it I would feel compelled to quit. I don't know why but this works for me. Find what works for you!

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