I started with the oregano a long time ago to slow down the process of being sick. I haven't been sick for a few years I believe. Sometimes every half a year to a year I get cold like symptoms that last for a day maximum and I am back to normal the next day. So here is one benefit of the oil:
- I do not use oil of oregano unless I have a sore throat. I read that it is good to gargle with by placing a drop (increasing the amount if you are used to this hot oil) into a carrier oil like olive oil, then placing that in the back of the mouth with a sip of water. Gargle for as long as you can and then swallow the mixture. I think it truly helps if used often. I have heard of people who do this when they feel they are getting sick and this stops the sickness from progressing further.
- Fungal infections. I am using it now by mixing the oregano in coconut oil along with tea tree oil and rubbing that where I have fungal infections on my skin. Hopefully this will take care of them.
- Warts. I have used oregano on warts with little success. But maybe I wasn't consistent enough. It is worth a shot though.
- Parasites. I haven't tried this yet but I will mix a drop of oregano, clove, fennel, and thyme essential oils into a capsule to take twice daily for 5 weeks (stopping for a week in between) as a parasite cleanse.
This oil smells great! I will talk about a few written benefits of using lavender oil but I personally have not been using it long enough to notice a big difference.
- Peaceful Sleep. I have tried to rub lavender on my feet before bed and I seem to be more relaxed when falling asleep than when not using it.
- Skin issues. I have read that undiluted lavender oil is great to use for many skin problems including burns and eczema. I used it for an insignificant burn and it seemed to help straight away. I am using it for dyshidrosis on my finger which is a type of eczema and I have not seen it get worse but it isn't really healing completely.
- Hair Loss. I am using this on my husband every night in a mixture of jojoba, lemon, and peppermint oil. We will see if this helps with his baldness that is beginning to show.
- Hair Oil Treatment. I do oil treatments for my hair sometimes and I add lavender because it seems to be great for hair.
This is another great smelling oil. I love using it and just smelling it sometimes.
- Lifting Mood. The oil does smell good maybe that is why it is a great mood lifter! I don't have a diffuser yet but it will probably be great with the lemon oil.
- Controlling Appetite and Water Flavoring. I'm not sure if controlling appetite works but it flavors water really nicely. I get mouth ulcers if I have lemon or lime citrus juice but putting this in a glass of water does nothing but great things for me! Even placing it in herbal tea makes you feel like you are drinking black lemon tea.
- Cellulite Reduction. I have only just started using it for these purposes so can't really report on the difference. I apply the lemon oil to my skin nightly because of its photo-toxicity. The first time I used it though, I applied 4 drops to my "back-side" and legs and immediately afterwards I felt nauseous. This went away pretty soon and I don't think this is an allergy as I drink the oil with water feeling completely fine. Maybe this is how the oil works and maybe I applied too much. I will test it again.
- Lightening Hair. I am adding this oil to my hair oil treatment that I noted above as well as applying it before I go outside into the sunlight. I will do this consistently and see how well it works. Doing this has not made my hair dryer in any way yet so I will continue to use it.
This oil is great too! I like to breathe it in from my hands after using it for something and it clears the lungs remarkably well.
- Breathing Problems. A great way to clear your lungs is to rub one drop of this oil between your palms and breathe your palms in. A little oil goes a long way.
- Stomach Problems. Rubbing some oil on your stomach if you have a stomach ache helps a lot. Drinking a glass of water with a drop of peppermint oil also helps. It is really strong in water though, unlike the lemon oil!
- Getting rid of odors. If there is an unwanted odor in the room you can use a diffuser or if you don't have one like me, place a drop on tissue paper and wave it across the room for a few minutes. The odor is usually unnoticeable after this!
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