I've gotten a hang on this no sugar, no fruit raw lifestyle and have so many recipe ideas that I want to share. I want to be a little professional this time and release a cookbook with the very best recipes that I have created. Stay tuned as I will be releasing pictures of some of the dishes that I will create. In the meantime I plan to do more you tube videos and showcase the results of some other Rainbow Green recipes on this blog.
Today is day 7 of my new lifestyle of cutting out fruit and sugar. I'm actually doing fine. I was really tired the first day I started doing this but everything is great now. I eat vegetables, nuts, and seeds daily and make small desserts at times with stevia. I am enjoying this process and know it is temporary. I am going abroad in December for 2 months and will start phase 1.5 then and I think I will have done phase 1 long enough. The reason for the switch is due to the cold climate where to I am going and there will be less quality fresh foods available so I will have to rely partly on frozen berries and root vegetables.
For those that are interested, here is what I ate yesterday.
- Kale Salad at lunchtime along with a sun-dried tomato cracker I made
- Cashews for snacking
- Coconut Flakes with Coconut Aminos (I have the Aminos rarely and there is less than a gram of sugar per teaspoon and I do not use that much).
- More cashews
This was not a typical day for me and I didn't explain my portions clearly but you get the gist of yesterday's food. Plus it was the day after the liver flush!
Greens and Dessert
For anyone interested in a raw living foods lifestyle, lots of recipes and tips to come!
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Garam Masala Gobi and Liver Flush (Gabriel Cousens Day 6)
Hello. First off the list of things to share is a great recipe I found in Dr. Cousens's Rainbow Cuisine book: Garam Masala Gobi. This is basically cauliflower tossed with a creamy garam masala sauce and dehydrated to warm it up. It was delicious! I found it to be great however eating too much at once may cause problems for some (cauliflower seems to cause problems for some if eaten in large quantity). I was fine though! Here is how it turned out:
Next I will discuss my fourth liver flush. I had 2 vegetable juices in the morning, then ate a bunch of coconut ice cream (with stevia of course) in the evening which made me really nauseous followed by the regular olive oil and grapefruit juice cocktail. Oh and epsom salts to go with that day as well as coffee enemas. I feel great today though and had no problems except for nausea after the ice cream and hopefully will heal myself of the ailments I have. Already, the dyshidrosis on my finger is going away and hopefully it will not return. The ringworm is also fading. I will keep you updated on my health breakthroughs!
Next I will discuss my fourth liver flush. I had 2 vegetable juices in the morning, then ate a bunch of coconut ice cream (with stevia of course) in the evening which made me really nauseous followed by the regular olive oil and grapefruit juice cocktail. Oh and epsom salts to go with that day as well as coffee enemas. I feel great today though and had no problems except for nausea after the ice cream and hopefully will heal myself of the ailments I have. Already, the dyshidrosis on my finger is going away and hopefully it will not return. The ringworm is also fading. I will keep you updated on my health breakthroughs!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Eggplant Casserole and Liver Flush #4 (Gabriel Cousens Day 5)
Here is a picture of an "Eggplant Casserole" I made a few days ago from the book Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine:

It was really delicious! I omitted the tomato sauce from the recipe as I only like sun dried tomatoes in dehydrated bread... Eggplant is a great meat substitute and tastes great raw when properly prepared.
Anyways, today is another liver flush day! I am following a mix of Dr. Kelley's and Hulda Clark's protocol for it so that I can eat some coconut ice cream (with stevia) in the evening. I only had some vegetable juices so far and I have to admit: I can't imagine doing a vegetable juice fast with NO fruit. Cousen's recommends vegetable juices with 80% celery or cucumber and 20% leafy greens. I guess you just have to get used to it... I may attempt a few days on this but will probably be bored quickly.
Hopefully I will get rid of candida from the coconut ice cream I will eat later today and cleanse my liver as well. I will be breaking my no sugar diet by drinking grapefruit juice with olive oil but it will not be much and the olive oil is really fatty so it will slow down the sugar absorption. Grapefruit juice is on the Phase 1.5 diet so I am fine :)
It was really delicious! I omitted the tomato sauce from the recipe as I only like sun dried tomatoes in dehydrated bread... Eggplant is a great meat substitute and tastes great raw when properly prepared.
Anyways, today is another liver flush day! I am following a mix of Dr. Kelley's and Hulda Clark's protocol for it so that I can eat some coconut ice cream (with stevia) in the evening. I only had some vegetable juices so far and I have to admit: I can't imagine doing a vegetable juice fast with NO fruit. Cousen's recommends vegetable juices with 80% celery or cucumber and 20% leafy greens. I guess you just have to get used to it... I may attempt a few days on this but will probably be bored quickly.
Hopefully I will get rid of candida from the coconut ice cream I will eat later today and cleanse my liver as well. I will be breaking my no sugar diet by drinking grapefruit juice with olive oil but it will not be much and the olive oil is really fatty so it will slow down the sugar absorption. Grapefruit juice is on the Phase 1.5 diet so I am fine :)
Sunday, October 12, 2014
First YouTube Video (Kale Salad)
I just made a YouTube video of the kale salad I make almost every day. It is in Russian but I added English subtitles:
Hope you enjoy it!
Hope you enjoy it!
Classic Neatballs with Sour Cream Sauce (Gabriel Cousens Phase I Day 3)
Oh wow was I tired yesterday. I think it must have been the sugar detox. I barely managed to take a walk that is usually super easy for me around where I live. I feel pretty good but I am still not digesting food as well after the fast so I need to take it slowly and take digestive enzymes with my food. Otherwise I love the food I am making and the recipes I found in Cousen's book are great. Here is how the neatballs came out with the sour cream sauce (made from almonds which turned out delicious!):
I need to drink more water because I need to balance out the food with water as well as because my diet is fairly low-carb and my body is losing water as a result. I want to do a liver flush this week followed by a few days of vegetable juice fasting. We will see how this goes!
I found an updated version of the foods I can eat now here: http://tolcus.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/3+-+Green+Phase+and+Juice+Charts+3-291.pdf
It turns out that some foods I thought were not allowed due to the book's chart are actually OK in the updated version (like ACV for example).
I need to drink more water because I need to balance out the food with water as well as because my diet is fairly low-carb and my body is losing water as a result. I want to do a liver flush this week followed by a few days of vegetable juice fasting. We will see how this goes!
I found an updated version of the foods I can eat now here: http://tolcus.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/3+-+Green+Phase+and+Juice+Charts+3-291.pdf
It turns out that some foods I thought were not allowed due to the book's chart are actually OK in the updated version (like ACV for example).
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Bok Choy Paneer and Chennai Curry (Gabriel Cousens Phase I Day 2)
Today is a good day and I am really enjoying eating. I will attempt a vegetable juice fast in a few weeks but probably for something like 3 days at first. I really enjoyed juice fasting you know, I just have to tweak my diet and do another one that will benefit me even more. For now, I have been following Gabriel Cousen's advice on how to solve many health problems and eliminate fungal infections. I am on phase I of the diet outlined in his book, Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, and the recipes are so delicious.
I made the Bok Choy Paneer and Chennai Curry. Both were so delicious and I actually made another serving of the latter dish (I cut the recipe by about a half each time though) because I was still hungry. These are great, filling dishes that are low in sugar. I also had some coconut flakes with coconut aminos which tasted amazing! But I probably can't have that since it is a fermented food and has sugar and that is not allowed until Phase 1.5. Come to think of it, I still put ACV in my kale salads as well and that is not allowed either. I need to substitute lemon juice for these things. Little things like this can go unnoticed which is bad for healing. Anyways, here are pictures of how the food came out:
Bok Choy Paneer (I used cashews instead of pine nuts):
Chennai Curry (I used coconut flakes instead of fresh coconut pulp):
Today is a good day and I am really enjoying eating. I will attempt a vegetable juice fast in a few weeks but probably for something like 3 days at first. I really enjoyed juice fasting you know, I just have to tweak my diet and do another one that will benefit me even more. For now, I have been following Gabriel Cousen's advice on how to solve many health problems and eliminate fungal infections. I am on phase I of the diet outlined in his book, Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, and the recipes are so delicious.
I made the Bok Choy Paneer and Chennai Curry. Both were so delicious and I actually made another serving of the latter dish (I cut the recipe by about a half each time though) because I was still hungry. These are great, filling dishes that are low in sugar. I also had some coconut flakes with coconut aminos which tasted amazing! But I probably can't have that since it is a fermented food and has sugar and that is not allowed until Phase 1.5. Come to think of it, I still put ACV in my kale salads as well and that is not allowed either. I need to substitute lemon juice for these things. Little things like this can go unnoticed which is bad for healing. Anyways, here are pictures of how the food came out:
Bok Choy Paneer (I used cashews instead of pine nuts):
Chennai Curry (I used coconut flakes instead of fresh coconut pulp):
Friday, October 10, 2014
Day after breaking the fast + Day 1 of Dr. Cousen's Live-Food Cuisine
Why did I break my fast earlier?
I broke the fast yesterday, but not for the reasons you might expect. I did give into a craving for a kale salad I made, but I could have resisted it easily had it not been for one other reason. No, it's not because of my slow weight loss (I fit into my clothes better actually and know that I have lost weight) which didn't stop me from breaking my fast. It wasn't that I got bored with my juices or had immense hunger. And it wasn't that my body was ready to stop fasting. It's a long story but bear with me...
In short, I know that I am allergic to many if not all fruits. Allergies do not show up internally in me (they do but I do not know any internal symptoms) but they show up horribly externally. If I avoid sugars my skin is super clean and soft and looks awesome. Give me an apple and I have little red dots on my cheeks when looking up close. Give me citrus fruits and I get horrible cystic like pimples that don't pop and are huge and horrible. Give me all kinds of fruits in great quantity like on a juice fast and I look more horrible every passing day. These are NOT detox symptoms. I know this because I have noticed this pattern for many years. The point is to know your own body and to do what is necessary to make things better.
The Decision:
I had two options: continue the juice fast but omit all fruits and do a pure vegetable juice fast (this is what I should have done since the beginning) or break the fast and clean my liver and change my diet and then attempt a vegetable juice fast. I chose the latter because it was stressful to change things around during my juice fast and I got used to so much sugar in my juices. It was a less stressful option to eat a kale salad instead. So I did and I felt great, kind of. I put nutritional yeast in my salad and got a headache which was a bad idea but now I know better. My body felt great otherwise though. I did not have too much but I did eat quite a bit of fat compared to no fat when juicing. I still felt great from eating something.
I broke my fast and slept for 11 hours!! I had some herbal tea in the morning and closer to noon (right now actually) made a juice from red cabbage, garlic, jalapeno, and kale stems. It tastes spicy and good! These are the kind of juices that I should have been making. I will probably have a small portion of a kale salad for lunch, maybe a juice before dinner, and Bok Choy Paneer for dinner. Let me explain the food choices.
New Diet:
I know that there is something going on in my body that I need to fix. I have this book by Dr. Gabriel Cousens called Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine that I owned for 5 years already. Somehow I have never fully followed the diet outlined in the book but I know I need to for my health. Basically the plan is to do a restricted diet short term to eliminate candida and other fungi from my system by making my body more resilient and then transition into a more or less regular raw food diet with a limit on high sugar foods. Actually there are 3 stages with the first one lasting at least one month (Phase 1), the second one at least 6 months (Phase 1.5), and the third one as maintenance (Phase 2).
There are lots of fun recipes in the book that I will try to make and post pictures of everyday. I will post tomorrow the food I will make this afternoon.
But the food I will limit myself to the next 2 months (Phase 1) is:
nuts and seeds, coconut, greens and vegetables (except high glycemic ones like carrots and beets and other roots and gourds), seaweeds, vegetable fruits, oils, lemons/lmes, and stevia leaf.
This doesn't sound like much or sounds hard to do but it is actually my ideal diet. I used to follow this more or less for shorter periods and that is when I felt the best. I really want my body to heal from fungi and other problems so I am committed to following this for as long as it takes. As I mentioned, the recipes in the book are fabulous and I would like to create all of them at one point.
I would like to mention that there are some things I am not completely following to the book. Cousens believes that cashews are something to avoid because of their mycotoxic content but I will not do this because I have a big bag of them (I will not eat them in great quantities however). Also, I have some wild jungle peanut butter that is completely healthy and mycotoxin free that is also something I will eat (rarely though).
So this is what I will do and I know many will disagree with this plan but I know this is how I will feel best (and I need to get sugar cravings under control again). See you tomorrow!
I broke the fast yesterday, but not for the reasons you might expect. I did give into a craving for a kale salad I made, but I could have resisted it easily had it not been for one other reason. No, it's not because of my slow weight loss (I fit into my clothes better actually and know that I have lost weight) which didn't stop me from breaking my fast. It wasn't that I got bored with my juices or had immense hunger. And it wasn't that my body was ready to stop fasting. It's a long story but bear with me...
In short, I know that I am allergic to many if not all fruits. Allergies do not show up internally in me (they do but I do not know any internal symptoms) but they show up horribly externally. If I avoid sugars my skin is super clean and soft and looks awesome. Give me an apple and I have little red dots on my cheeks when looking up close. Give me citrus fruits and I get horrible cystic like pimples that don't pop and are huge and horrible. Give me all kinds of fruits in great quantity like on a juice fast and I look more horrible every passing day. These are NOT detox symptoms. I know this because I have noticed this pattern for many years. The point is to know your own body and to do what is necessary to make things better.
The Decision:
I had two options: continue the juice fast but omit all fruits and do a pure vegetable juice fast (this is what I should have done since the beginning) or break the fast and clean my liver and change my diet and then attempt a vegetable juice fast. I chose the latter because it was stressful to change things around during my juice fast and I got used to so much sugar in my juices. It was a less stressful option to eat a kale salad instead. So I did and I felt great, kind of. I put nutritional yeast in my salad and got a headache which was a bad idea but now I know better. My body felt great otherwise though. I did not have too much but I did eat quite a bit of fat compared to no fat when juicing. I still felt great from eating something.
I broke my fast and slept for 11 hours!! I had some herbal tea in the morning and closer to noon (right now actually) made a juice from red cabbage, garlic, jalapeno, and kale stems. It tastes spicy and good! These are the kind of juices that I should have been making. I will probably have a small portion of a kale salad for lunch, maybe a juice before dinner, and Bok Choy Paneer for dinner. Let me explain the food choices.
New Diet:
I know that there is something going on in my body that I need to fix. I have this book by Dr. Gabriel Cousens called Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine that I owned for 5 years already. Somehow I have never fully followed the diet outlined in the book but I know I need to for my health. Basically the plan is to do a restricted diet short term to eliminate candida and other fungi from my system by making my body more resilient and then transition into a more or less regular raw food diet with a limit on high sugar foods. Actually there are 3 stages with the first one lasting at least one month (Phase 1), the second one at least 6 months (Phase 1.5), and the third one as maintenance (Phase 2).
There are lots of fun recipes in the book that I will try to make and post pictures of everyday. I will post tomorrow the food I will make this afternoon.
But the food I will limit myself to the next 2 months (Phase 1) is:
nuts and seeds, coconut, greens and vegetables (except high glycemic ones like carrots and beets and other roots and gourds), seaweeds, vegetable fruits, oils, lemons/lmes, and stevia leaf.
This doesn't sound like much or sounds hard to do but it is actually my ideal diet. I used to follow this more or less for shorter periods and that is when I felt the best. I really want my body to heal from fungi and other problems so I am committed to following this for as long as it takes. As I mentioned, the recipes in the book are fabulous and I would like to create all of them at one point.
I would like to mention that there are some things I am not completely following to the book. Cousens believes that cashews are something to avoid because of their mycotoxic content but I will not do this because I have a big bag of them (I will not eat them in great quantities however). Also, I have some wild jungle peanut butter that is completely healthy and mycotoxin free that is also something I will eat (rarely though).
So this is what I will do and I know many will disagree with this plan but I know this is how I will feel best (and I need to get sugar cravings under control again). See you tomorrow!
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