Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Garam Masala Gobi and Liver Flush (Gabriel Cousens Day 6)

Hello. First off the list of things to share is a great recipe I found in Dr. Cousens's Rainbow Cuisine book: Garam Masala Gobi. This is basically cauliflower tossed with a creamy garam masala sauce and dehydrated to warm it up. It was delicious! I found it to be great however eating too much at once may cause problems for some (cauliflower seems to cause problems for some if eaten in large quantity). I was fine though! Here is how it turned out:

Next I will discuss my fourth liver flush. I had 2 vegetable juices in the morning, then ate a bunch of coconut ice cream (with stevia of course) in the evening which made me really nauseous followed by the regular olive oil and grapefruit juice cocktail. Oh and epsom salts to go with that day as well as coffee enemas. I feel great today though and had no problems except for nausea after the ice cream and hopefully will heal myself of the ailments I have. Already, the dyshidrosis on my finger is going away and hopefully it will not return. The ringworm is also fading. I will keep you updated on my health breakthroughs!

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