It was really delicious! I omitted the tomato sauce from the recipe as I only like sun dried tomatoes in dehydrated bread... Eggplant is a great meat substitute and tastes great raw when properly prepared.
Anyways, today is another liver flush day! I am following a mix of Dr. Kelley's and Hulda Clark's protocol for it so that I can eat some coconut ice cream (with stevia) in the evening. I only had some vegetable juices so far and I have to admit: I can't imagine doing a vegetable juice fast with NO fruit. Cousen's recommends vegetable juices with 80% celery or cucumber and 20% leafy greens. I guess you just have to get used to it... I may attempt a few days on this but will probably be bored quickly.
Hopefully I will get rid of candida from the coconut ice cream I will eat later today and cleanse my liver as well. I will be breaking my no sugar diet by drinking grapefruit juice with olive oil but it will not be much and the olive oil is really fatty so it will slow down the sugar absorption. Grapefruit juice is on the Phase 1.5 diet so I am fine :)
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