Friday, October 3, 2014

Juice Fast Day 7 + Dandelion Grapefruit Juice

I slept alright, probably for about 8 hours. I had 4 juices yesterday and some honey towards the end of the day. My weight today is 134.6 which is up .2 pounds from yesterday and a total loss of 1.2 pounds. This is OK, I am not worrying. When I began to lose weight last year I would lose it extremely slow like 5 pounds a month and sometimes 0 pounds a month. I know I will eventually lose weight on this fast but I will just have to wait until my body is ready. I already feel a difference to how I look and feel though so the scale just doesn't represent my change yet.

I think my eczema on my finger has gotten better and the ringworm rashes have been fading. I mix thyme and oregano essential oils in coconut oil and rub it on the fungal rashes whenever I remember. I also visit a health food store by walking there everyday as exercise (about an hour walk) and rub frankincense essential oil (really expensive and good for skin) from a tester tube on my eczema :) I think the people that work there know me already haha! To be fair, I buy produce from there quite often.

 So I ran out of grapefruits and decided to juice a whole bunch of dandelions with apples and cucumbers instead: big mistake! Here is a delicious way to get your bitter dandelion greens in:

 Dandelion Grapefruit Juice:
  • 1 or 2 apples
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 piece of ginger of your preferred size
  • 1 bunch of dandelion greens
I don't have a picture, but it looks like a regular green juice :) The grapefruit balances out the bitter greens so well that I had this juice every day up until 2 days ago because I ran out of grapefruits. It tastes too bitter without the grapefruit unless you like bitter juices.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Juice Fast Day 6

Yesterday was OK but I was hungry towards the end of the day. I only had 3 juices so I probably need to make more. I notice that I want less sweet juices as I go along. When I added an extra apple to my juice out of habit it became a little too sweet for me. So I will cut back on that and add more cucumbers/celery/lettuce to my juice. In the beginning this was fine though so anyone who does a juice fast can start out with sweeter juices and decrease the fruits as they go along as their body adjusts. I will also start limiting my honey consumption to only before sleep.

I slept for 10 hours again although it was good restful sleep; I guess my body needs more sleep.

I started taking the anti parasite essential oil mix I wrote about using 1 drop each of pure clove, thyme, oregano and fennel oil. I will probably split this up into 2 capsules a day, each with either 1 drop of clove and fennel oil or thyme and oregano oil. I am doing this because the oils are hot and 1 drop goes a long way. So I may save even more money on this parasite cleanse.

I weighed in today at 134.4 so a total loss of 1.4 pounds. I do coffee enemas every other day and I notice a lower weight the day after. Yesterday I didn't do one and my weight bounced up 1.6 pounds. It's good to average the weight loss in this case. So yesterday was 132.8 and today 134.4 so on average I am 133.6. I haven't seen this weight in a few years.

I still would like to continue the fast for a long time as it has been going well for me so far. Although I have been wanting a kale salad, the craving is not strong enough for me to break the fast.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Juice Fast Day 5

Yesterday went well. I had 3 or 4 juices (can't really remember the exact number for some reason). Towards the end of the day I got a strong chlorine or metallic taste in my mouth for some reason. I read that this was a sign of ketosis but I am eating a lot of sugary fruits and honey so this is unusual. 

I weight today at 132.8 so its a total loss of 3 pounds now. I slept for 9 hours today; this is better than yesterday.  Everything is going great and I think I can keep going forever!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Juice Fast Day 4 + Honey during Juice Fast

I slept for 10 hours again! And I still feel a little sleepy and tired. This has been going on for about a month already, so it can't be just the juice fast. Hopefully this will go away and I can wake up earlier again.

My weight today is 135.2 so I am down .6 pounds overall but up 2.2 pounds from yesterday. This doesn't really mean anything as I just started so we will see what happens.

Yesterday was pretty easy again. I had 4 juices and honey with tea in between. People's ideas of what juice fasting should be differs but I think you should do it the way it feels right to you unless you have a medical problem (like you can't have any fruits). I have honey even though it is plain sugar because that is what makes my juice fast super easy. The honey has crystallized and I can chew it as a dessert and it is pretty filling and warming with tea. The honey is what makes me feel like I can keep doing this fast for a long time whereas without it I would feel compelled to quit. I don't know why but this works for me. Find what works for you!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Essential Oil Experiences so Far

I have only tried Oregano, Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint oil so far.

I started with the oregano a long time ago to slow down the process of being sick. I haven't been sick for a few years I believe. Sometimes every half a year to a year I get cold like symptoms that last for a day maximum and I am back to normal the next day. So here is one benefit of the oil:
  • I do not use oil of oregano unless I have a sore throat. I read that it is good to gargle with by placing a drop (increasing the amount if you are used to this hot oil) into a carrier oil like olive oil, then placing that in the back of the mouth with a sip of water. Gargle for as long as you can and then swallow the mixture. I think it truly helps if used often. I have heard of people who do this when they feel they are getting sick and this stops the sickness from progressing further.
  • Fungal infections. I am using it now by mixing the oregano in coconut oil along with tea tree oil and rubbing that where I have fungal infections on my skin. Hopefully this will take care of them.
  • Warts. I have used oregano on warts with little success. But maybe I wasn't consistent enough. It is worth a shot though.
  • Parasites. I haven't tried this yet but I will mix a drop of oregano, clove, fennel, and thyme essential oils into a capsule to take twice daily for 5 weeks (stopping for a week in between) as a parasite cleanse.

This oil smells great! I will talk about a few written benefits of using lavender oil but I personally have not been using it long enough to notice a big difference.
  • Peaceful Sleep. I have tried to rub lavender on my feet before bed and I seem to be more relaxed when falling asleep than when not using it.
  • Skin issues. I have read that undiluted lavender oil is great to use for many skin problems including burns and eczema. I used it for an insignificant burn and it seemed to help straight away. I am using it for dyshidrosis on my finger which is a type of eczema and I have not seen it get worse but it isn't really healing completely.
  • Hair Loss. I am using this on my husband every night in a mixture of jojoba, lemon, and peppermint oil. We will see if this helps with his baldness that is beginning to show.
  • Hair Oil Treatment. I do oil treatments for my hair sometimes and I add lavender because it seems to be great for hair. 

This is another great smelling oil. I love using it and just smelling it sometimes.
  • Lifting Mood. The oil does smell good maybe that is why it is a great mood lifter! I don't have a diffuser yet but it will probably be great with the lemon oil.
  • Controlling Appetite and Water Flavoring. I'm not sure if controlling appetite works but it flavors water really nicely. I get mouth ulcers if I have lemon or lime citrus juice but putting this in a glass of water does nothing but great things for me! Even placing it in herbal tea makes you feel like you are drinking black lemon tea.
  • Cellulite Reduction. I have only just started using it for these purposes so can't really report on the difference. I apply the lemon oil to my skin nightly because of its photo-toxicity. The first time I used it though, I applied 4 drops to my "back-side" and legs and immediately afterwards I felt nauseous. This went away pretty soon and I don't think this is an allergy as I drink the oil with water feeling completely fine. Maybe this is how the oil works and maybe I applied too much. I will test it again.
  • Lightening Hair. I am adding this oil to my hair oil treatment that I noted above as well as applying it before I go outside into the sunlight. I will do this consistently and see how well it works. Doing this has not made my hair dryer in any way yet so I will continue to use it.

This oil is great too! I like to breathe it in from my hands after using it for something and it clears the lungs remarkably well.
  • Breathing Problems. A great way to clear your lungs is to rub one drop of this oil between your palms and breathe your palms in. A little oil goes a long way.
  • Stomach Problems. Rubbing some oil on your stomach if you have a stomach ache helps a lot. Drinking a glass of water with a drop of peppermint oil also helps. It is really strong in water though, unlike the lemon oil!
  • Getting rid of odors.  If there is an unwanted odor in the room you can use a diffuser or if you don't have one like me, place a drop on tissue paper and wave it across the room for a few minutes. The odor is usually unnoticeable after this!
I will be looking into other uses and see if these work until the next time I get more information and experience.

Juice Fast Day 3

I am writing this morning of my 3rd day of juice fasting. My weight today is 133 so that is a loss of 2.8 pounds from yesterday (probably just water weight). I do see a difference in the mirror already though but we will see how fast this goes.

Yesterday was really easy for some reason and I got full pretty quickly from the juices. I try to drink water for every juice I drink as well as drinking water with lemon essential oil in it. Maybe that is helping me with being full as I remember last time I juice fasted I got pretty hungry.

So I will keep doing this until my weight and body looks like I want it to and a little less to take into account water weight but in the meantime focus on the health benefits I am getting.

So far I got pretty decent sleep but probably because it is getting colder and I sleep horribly when its hot. I am still sleeping too much, about 9-10 hours per night, and waking up tired. Maybe I am detoxing or making up for so many years of little sleep but I hope one day I will need to sleep less and wake up refreshed. Come to think of it, there was one day last week where I felt in an instant that my brain fog completely went away and my energy went through the roof. It felt like people feel when they first start the raw food diet so maybe I am still detoxing and it was my body's reminder to keep going. I do coffee enemas once in a while and I had 2 in a row yesterday which greatly lifted my energy and I plan to do them every other day while on the fast.

I will see how today goes but I think it will be easy and I still have plenty of free produce left over from the day before yesterday including green apples, grapefruits, oranges, and a pineapple.

Skin Update: The dyshidrosis on my index finger seems to either get better or worse each day. The other rashes on my body are disappearing. However, I found a ringworm rash in my armpit with a regular bigger rash beside it. I don't know why these things are appearing. I never had any skin problems before, except for when I broke a toe nail and it has turned slightly yellow and remained that way today (probably a fungal infection). I will treat the new rashes with oil of oregano and tea tree oil. Maybe when I get my essential oils to do the parasite cleanse these things will go away. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Juice Fast Day 2 + Weight Theory

I finished yesterday with a juice and honey with tea. So technically yesterday was the first day of my juice fast and not a water fast. I got so much free produce including 25$ worth of produce at a supermarket as well as free pears that fell from a local pear tree so I am guessing about 30$ worth of food. So I decided that it was time for juicing :)

I haven't tracked my weight in a while but today it is 135.8 pounds. I will see how low it goes as I continue the fast.

Personal Weight Theory:

This theory applies to my own personal weight. I can't really lose weight counting calories as that has never worked out. What has worked are fasting regiments. There were times in my life that I lost weight unhealthily as well which consisted of fasting too. But back to the weight theory, I believe that it takes a fasting regimen to get me to a new set point at which I will remain if I eat reasonably until I try to fast again. Let me explain.

I was once around 120 pounds at about 5'5". I got there through intermittent fasting which I stopped doing and remained close to that weight until my eating derailed with experiments of unhealthy eating which I only now realize. I got to an average weight of 150 pounds with periods of being even higher by at most 5-8 pounds. From there I did a kind of alternate day eating lifestyle for about 5 months and got down to 137 pounds and could not get any lower. I got into raw food again and remained around this weight until today; so even though I did not do any consistent fasting or dieting other than eating raw food I still remained this weight. My theory is that with this juice fast I hope to get down to around 120 pounds with which I feel the most comfortable at and remain there with a sensible lifestyle and maintenance fasting one day a week.

So with my weight as my motivator, I will fast until I am at a comfortable weight and hopefully remain there as per my weight theory.

Again, my body is unlike most peoples and I would have remained 120 pounds if calorie counting worked or if eating less food worked. Do what works best for you! If you are like me then try juice fasting until your goal and try to maintain it.

Note: I am not fasting primarily for weight loss, as it is only my motivator. I am doing this to be healthier and to experience new things :)