I haven't blogged in a while due to other things that I was busy with. I am still raw and am trying to figure out the best lifestyle for me. As a matter of fact, I am going to embark on another juice fast in a couple of days which is where I left off of on my previous post.
It has been a long time since the juice fast from May but I would say that it was a success! I admit to adding too much fruit to my juices though and plan to only use green apples sparingly during this fast. I experienced great benefits from it like clear skin and some weight loss and an overall good feeling.
Since that time I developed some weird skin problems like dyshidrosis on my index finger and some small rashes in other places on my body. I have no idea what caused this as I do not have stress in my life nor do I touch toxic chemicals regularly. I began on a health kick because of this and am experimenting with things such as liver flushing (which I have experience with in the past), fasting, and essential oils. Hopefully these things will help my husband with pet allergies too; he got rid of his hay fever this year completely because of similar experiments and supplements that I will talk about in another post.
I am on a liver flush today per Hulda Clark's recipe and that will hopefully help my liver cope with my skin problems. I also drank diatomaceous earth in water every morning for about a month prior to this and have stopped recently. I got Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint pure therapeutic grade essential oils and those will hopefully help as well. I am using the lavender on my finger in hopes of it healing as the skin problem comes and goes. It got severe at one point in early August but I applied ACV and soaked my finger in epsom salt solution daily until it got better. I didn't touch the other rashes on my body and they seem to be fading.
I am also using the essential oils and some honey to try and give my hair highlights but that is for another post.
In the meantime, check out some of the pretty raw foods I made since my last post:
Beet and Zucchini Pasta with Basil Walnut Pesto (This is so good and so much better than zucchini pasta and I will have to put up a recipe for this) :
Tiramisu Cake (From NouveauRaw, it turned out great!) :
Layered Cake (Another recipe worthy food because it tastes really good) :
Blueberry Chocolate Cake (This was delicious as well) :
Lettuce with Guacamole (Great Simple Dinner) :
Basic Kale Salad (A staple food) :
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